the animal in me
is constant.
thirst starts,
hunger answers.
sleep is uncertain,
restless limbs.
in the night,
I hear footsteps.
warnings appear,
all signs say death.
still I crave
cigarettes, coffee.
exhaustion brings
repetition, life cycles.
cold follows me,
something waits.
telegraphs move faster
than my heart.
I stay primitive,
gestate in trilliums.
when the hunter
finds me, separate
I turn toward the blow,
bleat into sacrifice.
domesticated prey,
still wild enough to leap
against my instinct,
find my predatory drive
and tear the throat out
of what chases me.
Gwen Benaway, “Trillium” from Passage. Copyright © 2016 by Gwen Benaway. Reprinted by permission of Kegedonce Press.
Source: Passage (Kegedonce Press, 2016)